Moving Forward with Driving Passion

What are you looking forward to learning and experiencing?
I hope to learn from the advice, experiences and suggestions of successful entrepreneurs. I hope to meet the consequences of decisions on issues of entrepreneurial businesses, results when certain parameters and recommendations follows.

Knowing something implies more than just reading and repeating processes need to be consistent and persistent in our projects, avoiding being amateur, obsessive and hackers persons (Mastery Book), rather following the 5 key tips to achieve mastery and get results long term.

What did you learn from the readings and video this week?
President Hinckley learned this week about the importance of being honest with ourselves, at all times, everywhere and in everything you do. Honoured with the people we love and especially with our God and Jesus Christ.

Guy Kawasaki (Garage Technology Ventures) I learned that money is important but to help others, that what really matters is the process we are developing to achieve our goal and learn to improve ourselves every day.

Stephen R Covey. This week I really liked recall one of the 7 Habits that helped me and still help me in my life.

Be proactive. A much needed dwell in our personal and professional life. It helps to have control always our thoughts and ideas, not to automatically react to the consequences of those decisions and to find ways to solve the difficulties and problems that arise in our way.  Here I leave the 4 basic and important concepts:

Self-awareness - the thoughts Ability to control.
Imagination - the Ability to create a new reality mentally.
Conscience - an inner awareness of right and wrong.
Independent will - Ability to act on the thoughts

In conclusion I can mention that we are human beings with the ability to learn every day, to change certain negative habits and learn from our mistakes and seek to improve. That is the difference we have with animals, who are born with an already defined programming and can not change it.

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